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Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)

Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)

Thursday، 09 November 2017 | Article Rating

Dr. Hojjatollah Javani, the deputy to the director of International Academic Collaboration Affairs of Alzahra University and the Faculty Member of Theology Faculty held a short intensive course on “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University, the Philosophy Faculty for 24 hours of class. This course was based on the agreement signed between the two universities, executing the MoU signed in 2014 and 2001 respectively. Previously Dr. Hans Michael Haussig of Potsdam University held a two week course on “Methodology of Religious Studies” at Alzahra University. This cooperation has started since 2011.

Dr. Hojjatollah Javani, Theology Faculty’s faculty member, delivered a speech on Monday November 6th, 2017 at Potsdam University under the title “A Glance on Perspectives on Understanding Islam” with the presence of professors and students of Potsdam University. In this session different perspectives and thought currents in Islamic world was discussed and it terminated with professors and students asking questions and Dr. Javani answering them.

Dr. Hojjatollah Javani, the deputy to the director of International Academic Collaboration Affairs and the faculty member of Theology Faculty of Alzahra University, who was visiting Potsdam University as a guest lecturer met with Professor Hafner, Head of the Faculty of Religious Studies with Focus on Christianity of Potsdam University on Monday November 6th, 2017. In this meeting Dr. Javani and Prof. Hafner discussed the possibilities for further academic and research collaborations between two universities.

Regarding the invitation of Bochum University, Dr. Hojjatollah Javani, Alzahra University’s faculty member delivered a speech on Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 at Bochum University under the title of “A Review On Main Currents of Thought in Islam with an Emphasis to Present Ones- A Shiite Perspective On Jesus Christ” in two sessions which was welcomed by professors and students of the university.

Deputy to the director of IAC Meets with managing director of FH Joanneum University’s Applied Sciences: (October 31st, 2017)

Dr. Hojjatollah Javani, the deputy to the director of International Academic Collaboration Affairs of Alzahra University met with Karl Peter Pfeifer, managing director of FH Joanneum University’s Applied Sciences on October 31st, 2017, regrading academic collaborations between two universities. In this meeting draft version of Memorandum of Understanding and the memorial gift of Alzahra University were presented to the Austrian party. Prof. Pfeifer welcomed the suggestion about holding short intensive courses between the fields of technical, engineering and management.

  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
  • Holding Short Intensive Course of “Main currents of Thought in Shiite” at Potsdam University; (October 25th – November 9th, 2017)
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