29 March 2025 |
فارسی | العربیه

1.            What is the application process?

     Please visit IAC office website >> International Admission >> How to apply


2.            What is the eligibility for non-Iranian students?

    Please visit to IAC office website >> International Admission>> Qualifications


3.            What is the Persian language proficiency criterion for non-Iranian students?

International students are required to have accepted proficiency of Persian Language to start their education at Iranian universities. Non-Iranian students have to pass Persian language courses in approved Persian Institutions by "Non-Iranian Student Affairs Organization". Alzahra University has one of the approved center for teaching Persian language. "Persian Language Teaching Center" of Alzahra University is located in the university area and is providing education facilities to both scholarship and non-scholarship students, and as well as to those applicants who want to study Persian language.

For further information about "Persian Language Teaching Center" visit: http://ictp.alzahra.ac.ir/Default.aspx?alias=ictp.alzahra.ac.ir/En&

It is worth mentioning that if there is a request from at least 6 students to hold courses in English, Alzahra University welcomes this group and manages English classes for the group.

Note: It is necessary for students having Masters and Ph.D. programs to have full-fledged proficiency over English language in order to pursue their academic researches. Therefore, students of Masters and Ph.D. can start their research under the supervision of their professors and can take Persian learning courses simultaneously to achieve better result.   


4.            Can I translate my Educational records myself?

Your educational documents should be submitted along with an official Persian or English translations approved by the authorities of the country in which your diplomas has been issued and embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in that country.

5.            Do you offer financial assistance for non-Iranian students?

  Non-scholarship International students are not supported financially by Alzahra University and are required to be responsible for all of their expenses including tuition fees, accommodation, and welfare services. Tuition fees for non-scholarship students are determined by the university board of directors. You can find tuitions of each semester in: http://intl.alzahra.ac.ir/en/tabid/588/Default.aspx 

6.            What kinds of scholarship are available from Alzahra University?

1) Alzahra University scholarship: Offering to only few top students (less than 10 scholarships annually).

2) "Non-Iranian Students Affairs Organization" scholarship: Offering only top students who could gain faculty acceptance and are introduced by this university to the organization for granting scholarship.

    For more information about scholarship visit IAC website >> International Admission >> Regulations


And for downloading forms visit:


7.            Do I need to book my accommodation?

No, Accommodation facilities like dormitory are available for international students who enroll at Alzahra University. Whenever they come to university with scholarship approval letter, they will be provided a temporary stay in the dormitory by the "Dormitory Management" until their registration completes.

8.            What is “General Qualification Website”?

All non-Iranian applicants who want to continue their studies at Iranian universities have to register in “General Qualification Website”,  produced by “Organization of non-Iranian Students’ Affairs”, in order to achieve permission to study in Iranian Universities.  


9.            How to register at “General Qualification Website”?

Registration process:

•             Go to www.saorg.ir

•             Register at “Registration of non-Iranian Students” section.

Visit:  http://intl.alzahra.ac.ir/

•             Start the registration process and fill the forms carefully

•             Upload the following  documents:

•             Photo

•             Photo of passport

•             Photo of certificate and transcription

             Note: All documents to be uploaded should be in jpg format with size of less than 100 kb.

             Note: If you register completely and successfully, you will receive a registration code. This code should be informed to International Academic Collaboration Affairs in order to follow the next steps. Therefore send us your code through this e-mail: intl.office@alzahra.ac.ir

10. How can I get education visa for students?

1.            After completing the process of accepting at Alzahra University (scholarship or non-scholarship), visa application form will be sent to applicant by IAC.

2.            Completed form along with personal photo and scanned copy of passport will be sent to “Organization of non-Iranian Students’ Affairs” by this office for issuing visa code. 

3.            “Organization of non-Iranian Students’ Affairs” will inform visa code to IAC of Alzahra University.

4.            Applicants will be informed about visa code by this office.

5.            Applicants then can go to Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy to get Education Visa.  

For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us with this e-mail:
