29 March 2025 |
فارسی | العربیه


Establishment of the Faculty of Theology dates back to 1984, when it was a department in the faculty of Human Sciences. Now and after about 30 years of activity, the Faculty of Theology offers its programs in five fields of Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith; Islamic Philosophy and Theology (i.e., Hikmat); Religions and Islamic Gnosticism (i.e., Irfan); Figh and Basic Islamic Laws History; and History and Culture of Islamic Civilization as an independent faculty.

Today, with academic programs at all levels (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate), the Theology Faculty, more than ever, is moving forward to its high educational standards and objectives and evidence of this effort is perceivable in the quality and amount of research and studies acknowledged yearly by the alumni and tenured faculty members of this faculty. A very little part of this energy reflects in the only journal of the faculty named Studies in Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith.

Educational Departments:

         Islamic Philosophy

         Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith

         The History of Islamic Culture and Civilization

         Religions and Gnosticism

         Jurisprudence and the Foundation of Islamic law

         Islamic Education


·         Multimedia devices

·         Computer site

·         Defense hall

·         Library


·         Journal of Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith


Field of Study




Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith




Islamic Philosophy and Theology (i.e., Hikmat)




Figh and Basic Islamic Laws History




Religions and Islamic Gnosticism (i.e., Irfan)




History and Culture of Islamic Civilization

