29 March 2025 |
فارسی | العربیه


Since the foundation of Alzahra University, Psychology which later expanded into three branches of Counselling and Advising, Psychology of Exceptional Children, and Industrial Psychology, was among the first study programs offered to students in this University. After the Islamic Revolution and subsequently, Cultural Revolution, this department was merged into the faculty of Literature, Theology, and Human Sciences until 1993, along with other departments including Librarianship and Social Sciences.

Currently, the following five departments of Faculty of Education and Psychology,  are ready to offer different study programs to students at all levels (i.e. undergraduate, graduate and post graduate)

·         Psychology

·         Educational Psychology

·         Knowledge and Information Science

·         Educational Management

·         Counseling and Advising


·         Alzahra University Counselling and Advising Center

·         Library and computer site

·         Psychology laboratory

·         Book workshop (Knowledge and Information Science department)

·         Educational technology center

·         Study room for PhD candidates

·         Conference hall

·         Computer class


·         Quarterly Journal of New Thoughts on Education

·         Quarterly Journal of Psychological Studies



Field of Study








Psychology for Educating Exceptional Children




Clinical Psychology




Counselling and Guidance




Educational Psychology




Library and Information Science




Archival Studies




History and Philosophy of Education




Philosophy of Education




Educational Management




Educational Science: Management and Curriculum Planning




Educational Sciences: Curriculum Development


