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Turkish Delegation Visit Alzahra University

Turkish Delegation Visit Alzahra University

Saturday، 28 May 2016 | Article Rating

A delegation from some universities of Turkey and Azerbaijan visited Alzahra University on May 28th, 2016. They met with the Chancellor of the University, the Director of International Academic Collaborations (IAC), the Head of Higher Education and representatives of Deans of Faculties. In this meeting Dr. Tavasoli from Social Sciences and Economics Faculty, Dr. Hosseini from Biological Sciences Faculty, Dr. Hakimi Pajooh from physics and Chemistry Faculty, Dr. Rasooli from Educational Sciences and Psychology Faculty, Dr. Bakhtiari from Literature Faculty and Dr. Javani from Theology Faculty also took part.

Ms. Ceren Akkus Uzman, International Relations Responsible in Mugla Sitki Kocman University mentioned that her university consists of 18 faculties and about 40 thousands of Students and they are ready to exchange students under the umbrella of Erasmus Program, which is an exchange support program.

Ms. Nobar Ibrahimzade from Dugush University and Mr. Pachal from Beikent University also introduced their universities and mentioned their readiness to start academic collaborations with Alzahra University.

The Chancellor of Alzahra University welcomed the guests and mentioned that the University is prepared to offer scholarships to top students of Turkish Universities: “The University has great potentials for research and the unique accommodations will let students to stay comfortably.” She also mentioned that the university accepts to take ten students for post-doctorate and research projects under education.

The Director of IAC marked the signing of the Mevlana Protocol between Alzahra and some Turkish Universities and mentioned the university’s preparedness for joint PhD programs.

Every representative of the faculties introduced their faculty and mentioned points to expand academic collaborations of their faculty with other universities. At the end the delegation visited the campus, Art Faculty an Termeh Traditional Restaurant.

  • Turkish Delegation Visit Alzahra University
  • Turkish Delegation Visit Alzahra University
  • Turkish Delegation Visit Alzahra University
  • Turkish Delegation Visit Alzahra University
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