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Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University

Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University

Friday، 22 February 2019 | Article Rating

The international conference entitled Academic and Educational Interaction, the focus of sustainable development of Iran and Afghanistan, aims at bringing about convergence and increasing the level of scientific and cultural exchanges between the two countries' specialists and finding appropriate solutions for achieving sustainable development and removing existing barriers and challenges on 20th and 22nd of February were held at Sistan and Baluchestan University.

At the conference, officials from the Ministry of Science, Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, University of Tehran, Alzahra University, Guilan University, Birjand University, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Kabul University, University of Kandahar, Ghorjistan University, Martyr University of Education professor Rabbani, Bamyan University, University of Nangarhar, University of Rahe Saadat, Avicenna University and the National Elite Foundation of Afghanistan. Dr. Mehdi Seif-e-Barghi, the dean of the University of Educational and Postgraduate Studies, and Dr. Parichehr Hanachi, head of International Cooperation at the University, and Dr. Marzieh Eskandari, Head of the Afghan Desk, attended the conference.

In the opening ceremony of the conference held at Imam Reza Hall in Sistan and Baluchestan University, the Islamic Consultative Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Zahedan, the Iranian cultural adviser in Afghanistan, the heads and professors of a number of Afghan public and private universities, professors, deputies and managers from a number of universities The country, professors from the Zahedan Darul-alum district and officials from the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization were present. The appointment of the editorial board of the Quarterly and the establishment of a joint fund for the appointment of the members of the secretariat was discussed at the meeting of representatives of the members of the Cultural Forum of Iran and Afghanistan. The Chief Executive of the Quarterly was selected from the University of Sistan and Baluchestan, and the universities of Alzahra, Birjand, Bamyan and Kandahar were introduced and by choosing A member of the editorial board has announced their readiness.

Officials from the universities of both countries, with a brief introduction from their university, continued to present programs and explore some barriers to increased collaborative efforts. In this regard, Dr. Seif Barghi, the deputy chairman of the Alzahra University, pointed out the benefits and facilities offered by international students at the Alzahra University, by introducing the facilities and fields of the Alzahra University and providing statistics. Then a short video of the introduction of Alzahra University was presented at the salon.

After the inauguration ceremony, officials at Alzahra University met with heads of several universities in Afghanistan, including Dr. Ahmadi, the honorable chairwoman of the University, and Dr. Nazari, the head of the University of Ghazni, Dr. Ahmadi, and the head of the University of ibn Sina went Rahe Sa'adat in Mazar-i-Sharif.

On the implementation of the signed memorandums signed. Alzahra University officials also met Dr. Ahadi, Kabul University Vice-President, Dr. Seyed Ekram Hashemi, the dean of the student at Nangarhar University, and Dr. Heidar Ahmadi, head of the University of Rahe Saadat, and noted the details of the student admission at Alzahra University. Prior to the ceremony, Dr. Eskandari, a representative of the Alzahra University, introduced the university's disciplines and facilities with the donation of donations and catalogs of the university's introduction to the honorable principals of the Shahid Rabbani and Bamyan Education Universities, on increasing bilateral cooperation and The implementation of the existing memorandum is emphasized.

  • Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University
  • Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University
  • Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University
  • Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University
  • Presence of Alzahra University at the conference "Academic Interaction and Education for the Sustainable Development of Iran and Afghanistan" - Sistan and Baluchestan University
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