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Iraqi Women Scholars Visits Alzahra University

Iraqi Women Scholars Visits Alzahra University

Monday، 01 August 2016 | Article Rating

A delegation of women scholars of Iraq met with Alzahra University’s chancellor, Dr. Ensieh Khazali and the Director of International Academic Collaborations, Dr. Parichehr Hanachi and the Vice-Chancellors in a meeting held in Andishe Hall on August 1st 2016, at 10:30.

The meeting was inaugurated with playing the Arabic movie of the University and Dr. Hanachi’s welcoming the guests and she mentioned that the University is prepared to admit Iraqi students in post-graduate level. She also invited them to participate in “International Conference on Culture, Psychopathology, and Education” which will be held in April and May 2017 in Alzahra University.

Dr. Atrkar, Vice-Chancellor of Students’ Affairs, mentioned scientific, athletic and cultural achievements of Alzahra students nationally and internationally, and invited Iraqi students to collaborate more with our students.

Dr. Khazali, the Chancellor, offered 30 post graduate scholarships to Iraqi students and mentioned: “Alzahra University’s prophecy is to educate expert and scholar Muslims internationally. We have signed some Memoranda of Understanding with Iraqi Universities on the basis of student and lecturer exchange, joint research programs, joint MA or PhD Thesis and joint ISI journals.”

The guest delegation received the discussed points gladly and asked for their students to be able to use Iranian libraries for their researches which are related to Iran. Dr. Lemi Semir Hamoudi Salman from Physical Education Faculty of Kufa University pointed to the high quality of the facilities and expertness of coaches in Alzahra University’s Physical Education Faculty, asked for student competitions, coach exchange and holding workshops.

At the end of the meeting Dr. Faeze Mousavi, the head of the delegation, thanked Alzahra University for the warm welcome and presented to Dr. Khazali a thesis which as written in Persian.

  • Iraqi Women Scholars Visits Alzahra University
  • Iraqi Women Scholars Visits Alzahra University
  • Iraqi Women Scholars Visits Alzahra University
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