22 December 2024 |
فارسی | العربیه

Required document for extension of residence:


  • Education certificate/ Three copies of the first page of the original passport (including the passport validity page)/ Two copies of the residence permission/ two copies of the ID Number page (Faragir code)
  • Five passport size personal photo
  • Four copies of the completed residence permission form
  • Bank receipt of payment of amount 200,000 Rials to the account No 2171151302005
  • Police folder
  • Receipt of ensurance (register in the http://www.hayateamn.ir/Portal and print the ensurance paper)
  1. All the documents should be submitted along with the original passport.


Required Documents for the Student’s spouse/children extension of residence:

  • Education certificate/ Three copies of the first page of the original passport (including the passport validity page)/ Two copies of the residence permission/ two copies of the ID Number page (Faragir code)
  • Five passport size personal photo
  • Four copies of the completed residence permission form
  • Bank receipt of payment of amount 1000,000 Rials to the account No 2171151302005
  • Police folder
  1. All the documents should be submitted along with the original passport.


  1. Copies of student’s passport (first page of the original passport,including the passport validity page/ the residence permission/ the ID Number page (Faragir code) ) is obligatory for each member of a family.




Residence Permit Renewal Form



Required Documents For Visa Extention:


  • Education certificate.
  • Two copies of the first page, passport validity, visa page, entry stamp, and ID number (Faragir code).
  • Five passport size personal photo.
  • Bank receipt of payment of amount 300,000 Rials to the account No 2171151302005 for one month residence.
  • Bank receipt of payment of amount 700,000 Rials to the account No 2171151302005 for three months residence.
  • two copies of the completed visa extension form
  • Police folder
  1. All the documents should be submitted along with the original passport.

Application Form for Extending of visa


Required Documents for Transfer of Residence:


  • Education certificate
  • Old and new passports
  • Two copies of the first page, passport validity page, residence permission page, and ID number (Faragir code) of the old passport; and two copies of the first page and ID number (Faragir code) of the new passport.
  • Two passport size personal photo with student’s information written on its back
  • Police folder
  • One copy of the completed residence permission form

Application Form for Residence Permit



Required documents for exit & return:

  • Education certificate/ Two copies of the first page of the original passport (including the passport validity page)/ Two copies of the residence permission/ two copies of the ID Number page (Faragir code)
  • Three passport size personal photo
  • Two copies of the completed exit permission form
  • Bank receipt of payment of amount 20,000 Rials to the following account No 2171151302005
  • Police folder



  1. All the documents should be submitted along with the original passport.
  2. Each student must exit the country within one month after the issuing the exit permission.
  3. Student cannot stay out of Iran more than three months (90 days) with the Education visa and residence otherwise, the visa will be expired and the E-visa should be re-issued by OISS (Office of International Students’ Supervisor)

Application Form for Exit Visa



Required Documents For Issuing Student Visa:


  • A formal letter issued by the Office of International Students’ Supervision” for issuing “Student Visa” .
  • High quality scan of first page of the passport.
  • High quality scan of personal photo.
  • Completing “Student Visa” application form
  1. To prepare your scans properly, please read the quidances.

Application Form for Education Visa



Guidance on “Scanning the First Page of  Passport”

One of the most important steps of “Visa Application” is uploading the scan of first page of your passport in a Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website which will be done by the experts of “Non-Iranians Students Organization”. The information below will help you to prepare an appropriate scan that would be accepted by the website. It should be mentioned that the website will not accept scans that are not based on the following tips. To prepare an appropriate scan based on the standard rules it is recommended to use a professional photo editing software.

The scan of first page of your passport:

  • Should be colorful. Black and white and monochrome photo may be rejected.
  • Should be jpg or jpeg format.
  • Should be less than 500 KB or more than 10 KB.
  • Should include the first page only.
  • Should be horizontal in a way that the width of the image be greater than its height.
  •  Should be 800 resolution (minimum width) in 600 (minimum height) pixels.


  • Should have high quality.
  • Should not be too dark or too bright.  
  • Should be horizontal in a way that be parallel to the edges of the screen.
  • Should be legible and clear. Any kind of spot or stain that causes illegibility may result in  rejection of the application.



Your personal photo:

  • Should be colorful. A white and black or monochrome photo may be rejected.
  • Should be jpg or jpeg format.
  • Should be less than 500 KB or more than 10 KB.
  • Should be vertical in a way that the height be greater than the width.
  • Should be 400 resolutions (minimum width) in 600 (minimum height) pixel.


  • Should not be older than six months and match your current appearance.
  • Should have a clear and light background.
  • Should be taken with your eyes completely open and your face directly looking at the camera.
  • Should be taken with your common clothes; except religious cloth that is used on a daily basis, uniform cloth will not be accepted.
  • Should be taken without hat; your face should be vivid and scarf should not cover or shadow any part of the face.
  • Your photo will be rejected if it is taken while using headphone, hands-free devices, etc.
  • The use of medical glasses in the photo is acceptable under the conditions below:
  • The glasses’ frame must not cover the eyes.
  • The glasses should not blur the eyes.
  • Any kind of shadow or flash reflection of the lens that causes the eyes be blur will not be accepted.
  • Photo scanned from passport, driver’s license, and etc. will not be accepted. In addition, photos taken with mobile phones or similar devices with low quality will be rejected.