29 March 2025 |
فارسی | العربیه
Alzahra University is a member of two international organizations:

 Name of Organization Affiliation  Year of Membership Website 
Federation of Universities of Islamic World (FUIW) Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) 2000 http://www.fuiw.org
International Association of Universities (IAU) The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2001  http://www.iau.org
 Caucasus University Association (KÜNİB)   2015 
 Association of Universities
 of Asia and Pacific (AUAP)

  Agence universitaire de la Francophonie 

   2018  https://www.auf.org

 Membership in International Organizations

Some of advantages of membership of Alzahra University, as a university exclusively for women, in international university associations are:

1.     Presenting women higher education in the Islamic Republic of Iran

2.       Seizing  available opportunities and facilities for enhancing universal higher education

3.     Cooperating in regional and international projects

4.     Attending higher education conferences and symposiums (attended by member university chancellors and higher education directors from around the world)

5.     Exchanging professional journals, books, and textbooks

International Memberships

International Association of Universities (IAU)

Since 2001, Alzahra University has been a member of International Association of Universities (IAU). This association is the most accredited UNESCO-based association of higher education. It aims at directing and coordinating higher education institutes in different countries, expanding facilities, enhancing the causes of higher education, and gaining the benefit of software services in higher education across the world.

One of the services offered by IAU to its members is executing conferences on higher education and research about global and regional issues. Participation of the members in these conferences can help the chancellors to get familiar with latest achievements and challenges in higher education across the world. Attending conferences while listening to speeches and reports, studying offered journals and books, conversing with other members, and meeting higher education scholars and theoreticians from other countries can help provide latest information and prepare the ground for nativizing higher education strategies in our country. For more information, visit IAU website: http://www.iau-aiu.net.

Federation of Universities of Islamic World (FUIW)

Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), as one the organizations affiliated with Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), plays an influential role in deepening relations among Islamic countries and propagating scientific-research cooperation among the member universities. This issue is also considered as one of the main guidelines of Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Cooperation among various Islamic countries is organized by FUIW and directed according to various scientific fields of study. Alzahra University has been a member of FUIW since 2000 and through its active participation in its general and higher education conferences—held annually in different countries and attended by member university chancellors and professional delegates—represents one of the main universities of the world in Muslim women higher education. For more information, visit FUIW website: www.fuiw.org.

Caucasus University Association (KÜNİB)

Caucasus University Association (KÜNİB) is an association consists of more than 50 universities located in the Caucasus region and neibouring countries.  Founded in 2009, KÜNİB determines its basic aim to benefit from the common heritage the neighboring countries have in Caucasian geography and to determine a vision that will help to illuminate the future in addition to the present common academic works which have been done in various areas such as language, culture, history, art, economy, and education.

Alzahra University joined KÜNİB on November 25, 2015 and signed an MoU for collaborative work whiten the MEVLANA EXCHANGE PROGRAMME.

Association of Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP)

AUAP I one of the most developed university associations of UNESCO which is consisted of higher education institutes and the chancellors of the member universities are counted as representors of the universities. AUAP was found and established by representatives of universities in the Asia and Pacific region assembled in conference at Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhorn Ratchasima, Thailand, in July 1995. The University of Tehran, Science and Industry University and Al-Mustafa University also made members of AUAP. The first steps were discussed in Thailand by Dr. Parichehr Hanachi, the director of IAC during the 15th General Conference of International Association of Universities (IAU) and in December the application form as delivered to the secretariat of AUAP in Iran; University of Tehran.

Agence universitaire de la Francophonie AUF:

Alzahra University became a member of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie in 2018. The formal application for membership of Alzahra University at the board meeting in Paris in December 2017 was reviewed and agreed upon. The acceptance of Alzahra University means the full use of all facilities of the agence and partnerships that the Agency possesses. Its obligations and duties are based on respect for the principles and values of cultural difference and partnership and cooperation.

Some of the agence’s commitment to member universities is to: Facilitate the access of French-language scholars to the resources of other member universities, Facilitate the development of regional projects and cooperation among member universties, and their accompaniment in preparation and formulation of the scientific projects based on the four-year planning of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, providing member organizations with access to educational tools and resources tailored to the needs and context of the region, in particular by providing the possibility of using information and communication technologies for education and research, continuous information to all members about the current activities. The main functions of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie is to ensure the development and advancement of network member universities and their activities through various communication facilities provided to the Agency. University of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University, Tabriz University, Tarbiat Modarres University, and some other major universities in Iran are members of this agency.