20 September 2024 |
فارسی | العربیه
Alzahra University Holds Second International Congress On Women's Role in The Society & Family Health
In inaugural ceremony of the second international Congress on Women's Role in the Society & Family Health, which held on April 19th,2017 at first Dr. Parichehr Hanachi, the director of international academic collaboration & executive teacher ...
Wednesday، 19 April 2017 - 14:48
Indian Ambassador visits Alzahra University (March 15th, 2017)
On Thursday, March 15th, 2017, the Ambassador of India, His Excellency Dr. Saurabh Kumar, along with his wife Mrs. Smiriti Srivastav met with Dr. Mahnaz Molla Nazari, the Chancellor of the University; Dr. Parichehr Hanachi, the director of Internatio...
Saturday، 18 March 2017 - 14:14
International Students Visit Holy Defense Museum: (February 24th, 2017)
Students of Ishraq University of Afghanistan, who are participating in Educational Workshop of Physical Education in Alzahra University, accompanied by International Students of Alzahra University visited Holy Defense Museum on Friday February 24th, ...
Saturday، 25 February 2017 - 15:13
Chairperson of Sanctity of Motherhood Program (SM) Visits Alzahra University (Tuesday, January 31, 2017)
Mrs. Nataliya Yakunina, the Chairperson of Sanctity of Motherhood Program, accompanied by her assistant, Miss. Typitsyna Ekaterina, visited Alzahra University and met with Dr. Ensieh Khazali, the chancellor of Alzahra University, on Tuesday, January ...
Wednesday، 01 February 2017 - 15:18
The Jean Monnet Webinar will be held on Monday 30th January at 10:00 am Brussels time; corresponding to 12:30 Tehran time, via the following web-link:. https://eu1.bbcollab.com/m.jnlp?sid=2014023&password=M.6D4F44FF45E66B59D50804232D3588 This We...
Saturday، 28 January 2017 - 14:02
Alzahra University becomes Association of Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP) member (January 9th, 2016)
With the efforts made by International academic Collaborations office (IAC), Alzahra University has made member of Association of Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP) since 2017. The first steps were discussed in Thailand by Dr. Parichehr Hanachi,...
Monday، 16 January 2017 - 08:09
Happy New Year;
International Academic Collaborations wishes a happy new year for all international students and professors of Alzahra University.
Sunday، 01 January 2017 - 13:53
Prof. Abdul-Mahdi Riazi Presents Educational and Research Seminar in Alzahra University (January 1st, 2017)
The Department of Educational Sciences of Education and Psychology Faculty, in cooperation with International Academic Collaborations office and Vice-Chancellery of Research and Technology of Alzahra University held seventh seminar of series of cultu...
Sunday، 01 January 2017 - 08:11
One day picnic for international students of Alzahra University – Daraka – December 29th 2016
One day picnic for international students of Alzahra University was held by suggestion of the "International Academic Collaborations Office" and earnest cooperation of "Social & Cultural Vice-Chancellery" on Thursday, December 29th, 2016. There w...
Friday، 30 December 2016 - 08:14
Bent-ol-Hoda Institute Meets Philosophy Department of Alzahra University (December 27th)
The Theology Faculty of Alzahra University hosted faculty members of Philosophy Department of Bent-ol-Hoda Institute on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016. In this meeting two experts from International Academic Collaborations office along with the faculty...
Tuesday، 27 December 2016 - 09:05
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